"Betzavta" method

Online Course: “Free Speech, Incitement and Hate Speech and their relevance in Poland’s political discourse and landscape” with Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman

The Adam Institute invites you to join us for a new engaging course, tailored to participants from Poland, taught on ZOOM.

Instytut Boyma 02.10.2020

The right to free speech is a basic fundamental democratic right safeguarded in several democratic constitutions. The reasons for protecting it are vast and varied. Fundamental is its role in public debate, freedom of information, and the right to human dignity.

Social media and new forms of communication allow for many sectors of the population to engage in the social discourse, which is praiseworthy. But they also concurrently allow for a discourse that is not always founded upon serious research—or even facts. In addition to tackling the issue of truth and falsehoods, we find increasing dissemination of hate speech and verbal violence that also shape and influence the institutional (mainstream) media

Over the course of history, the limit of freedom of speech has prompted much discussion and controversy. But the nature of this democratic right has changed as a result of technological advances, political changes and crises, and states of emergency, such as the Coronavirus pandemic.

In this course, we will renew the discussion about the importance of freedom of speech and explore its legitimate boundaries. We will also offer participants tools to promote nonviolent discourse in all forms of media communication, which is especially important in times of epidemic when the social distancing measures result in a shift of communication to the virtual world. Social life and political discussions are increasingly taking place on the internet through social media platforms. And our aim is to reflect upon the ways of shaping constructive engagement in public debates via new technologies.

This timely and thought-provoking course will be taught via interactive workshops, employing AI’s signature prize-winning method, “Betzavta – Adam Institute’s Facilitation Method“. The instructor is the method’s creator: Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman.  This workshop marks the debut introduction of the Betzavta method in Poland.  The Adam Institute is seeking practitioners in Poland who will gain the skills to use the betzavta method and may perhaps become practitioners of this group facilitation method locally.

Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the course. This certificate will allow graduates of the “Betzavta” training to facilitate this course to other groups. Newcomers to our innovative method will be given a window into the subject matter and process and allow for joining our group facilitation courses taught around the world in various countries and languages, including English, Arabic, Hebrew, German and Polish.

This educational approach allows for experts in the field a new experience in clarifying the basic issues and principles in free speech, incitement and hate speech

Course topics include:

  • The importance of freedom of expression to a democratic regime and democratic way of life
  • The collision and contradictions between freedom of expression and other democratic values and values that are not democratic – Creative ways to cope
  • What’s between freedom of expression and incitement and hate crimes – the limits of freedom of expression
  • The challenge of freedom of expression in the digital age – How can we change the discourse?
  • Freedom of expression in the arts, the academy, and public
  • The challenge of freedom of expression in the media in polarized societies
  • Applying the language of mediation in media interviews – providing tools for changing the public discourse
  • Conclusion

For Whom?

We cordially invite everyone interested in enhancing the freedom of expression as well as safeguarding the quality of discussions in the public debates. The betzavta method can be especially helpful for academicians, politicians, journalists, social activists, officials working for the public sector, teachers, analysts, members of political parties as well as those responsible for managing groups in social media. We strongly believe that the knowledge and abilities acquired during the course can benefit the works of educational institutions, research institutions as well as political parties, publishing houses, socially engaged institutions and the public sector.


Course dates and cost:

The course comprises eight two-hour sessions in English.

Program dates: Sundays (15, 22 November, 6, 13, 20 December, 10 January 2021)

Program hours: 14:00 – 15:30 Warsaw time

The cost for a package of 8 sessions ranges from 100 to 350 Euros, according to your ability. The pricing scale is intended to make this affordable for all.

Payment arrangements will be provided separately. A digital receipt will be provided upon payment.



We kindly ask you to register in English (if possible) via email to: info@instytutboyma.org

  • Your name, address and email
  • Your experience in facilitating groups in general as well as any particular experience in the “Betzavta” method
  • The amount you can pay for your participation in the course
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