
Meeting with Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman

It’s a great pleasure for the Boym Institute to organize an open meeting with dr Uki Maroshek who founded the betzavta method. Betzavta is taught across the globe at the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Jerusalem as well as in other institutions in Europe and the Middle East.

Instytut Boyma 07.02.2021

It’s a great pleasure for the Boym Institute to organize an open meeting with dr Uki Maroshek who founded the betzavta method. Betzavta is taught across the globe at the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in Jerusalem as well as in other institutions in Europe and the Middle East. Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Adam Institute works through ZOOM organizing courses dedicated to i.e. conflict resolution, feminism and democracy, freedom of speech and hate speech, as well as racism and ethnicity.

During the meeting on the 23rd of February dr Uki Maroshek will present the ways in which betzavta can be integrated into the public sphere through education and facilitation of dialogue. Secondly, we will conduct a joint betzavta exercise to familiarize with the method. In the third part of the meeting there will be time for Q&A session.


Date: 23.02.2021

Time: 18:00-19:30 CET / 19:00-20:30 Jerusalem time

If you like to join please send us an e-mail (info@instytutboyma.org)
You’ll be able to join the meeting by clicking the LINK right before given time.


More about the method you can read HERE and TU

“One way of measuring our success is by observing what people who succeeded in our seminars do later in their life with this experience. Professor Daphna Hacker, who heads Tel Aviv University’s Women and Gender studies program in the Faculty of the Humanities, has published several books on gender issues and dedicated one of them to the “Betzavta” method. She tried to convert the conflict into dilemmas and created a definition for that dilemmatic feminism, rooted in one of the central ideas of the “Betzavta“. I can also cite examples of students who came to the Adam Institute workshops and were right-wing extremists, I remember them very well. They belonged to the Kahane movement – a very right-wing organization. They were students in the teachers college. In the end, they became teachers in democratic schools – so you can clearly see the impact of the workshops, that sizable shift. Another example is the feedback I got from a woman who created a mixed Israeli-Palestinian group in East Jerusalem. She is by herself creating meetings between groups in conflict and has continued on her own “Betzavta” journey. This is to cite but a very few”



״I consider Betzavta – the method of the Adam Institute – a unique educational method and perspective because it enables to educate for democracy in a complex and holistic way. By constantly seeking and seeing the connection between the level of content and of group dynamics and by creating social dilemmas, the field of learning extends far beyond the cognitive level alone while being based on and embedded into a profound sociocritical theoretical framework. As a facilitator, the method allows me to make everything and everybody in the course a source of learning together and to use it for the increase of reflexiveness and agency for freedom and equality for all.״

Marett Katalin Klahn, Betzavta facilitator and researcher


“Once again, the Adam Institute has shown how quickly it can react to current social developments. The course material and learning style of “Democracy during the days of Corona” helped me understand different perspectives on how the Coronavirus pandemic shapes our democracy. Dr. Maroshek does a wonderful job helping participants to understand the complexity of restricting and loosen freedom rights related to the pandemic. Especially when you try not to discriminate against groups. A poignant online experience.”

Juergen Schlicher, CEO Diversity Works, Germany


“Earlier this summer, I took the course on Democracy during the days of Corona. It enabled me to better understand the role of some instances in my country, Italy, and take greater responsibility in a courageous way rather than simply obey due to pressure from outside. I became more able to withstand my fear of getting sick and lead myself and my coworkers to live with the virus in a conscious way, day by day, taking care of each other”

Laura Sedda from Bolzano (Italy)


“It was amazing to study with participants from Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Palestine and Israel. Although we’re from diverse societies, we found commonality as we explore related issues in our respective societies. Uki skillfully led us through complex and intricate issues, untying the many knots in a tangled woolen ball. Dr. Maroshek was most attentive to the nuances, layers and subtleties of each participant. I was amazed to discover how complex racism, ethnicity and nationalism are, and to find all of these complexities within me, an inner conversation between my different identities. I highly recommend taking a course with Uki, any course, using the Betzavta method. For your own personal development and for the sake of a humane and just society.”

Noa Ma’ayan, Codirector Tomorrow’s Women

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