
Adam Institute for Democracy & Peace – Crowdfunding Campaign December 2020

Democracy in Israel is in crisis. And if we don't educate for democracy, it just won't exist. It's that simple. The actual teaching of democracy, on the other hand, isn't so simple. It requires experience, theoretical and practical knowledge and the flexibility to adapt to our ever-changing reality.

Instytut Boyma 15.12.2020

There is no Democracy without Education for Democracy

Democracy in Israel is in crisis. And if we don’t educate for democracy, it just won’t exist. It’s that simple. The actual teaching of democracy, on the other hand, isn’t so simple. It requires experience, theoretical and practical knowledge and the flexibility to adapt to our ever-changing reality. It starts in preschool, continues through elementary school and middle, high school and beyond. At the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace, we’ve been developing these sorts of programs and teaching them in Hebrew and Arabic for more than thirty years. We’ve broadened our scope and programming to all over Europe and around the world. And we’re stepping up to today’s challenge in our region, and beyond. This campaign is precisely what’s needed to safeguard Israeli democracy—to expand and deepen our activities in the field with new and old population sectors, examine the challenges to democracy and peace, address lurking dangers, and renew and innovate our efforts with intellectual and civic courage.

Our goal is to raise NIS 300,000. Because #WeCareAboutDemocracy
Every donation, big or small, will support our moving forward. You can make a donation through the campaign link or via this link. Please send proof of payment to and we will add your donation to the campaign page manually.

Your support will help us:

  • Train educators in the formal and information education
  • Cultivate outstanding young democratic leadership
  • Promote gender equality across Israeli society and its institutions
  • Cultivate a new generation of facilitators skilled in the award-winning “Betzavta- Adam Institute’s group facilitation method” around the globe
  • Promote a respectful political civic discourse across Israeli society on the basis of equality
  • Develop digital educational materials in Hebrew and Arabic

About Adam Institute
Since the Adam Institute’s establishment in 1987, AI has developed and promoted educational programs for democracy and peace, inculcating a worldview that champions human and civil rights and social action. These activities are geared towards Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, women and men, children, teens and adults, citizens of Israel and residents. The Adam Institute’s programming takes places in preschools, kindergartens, primary, junior high and high schools; social-change organizations, academic institutions and colleges, women’s organizations in Israel and abroad. Thousands of girls and boys, young women and men, students, lecturers and social activists have already studied with us, learning about the importance of democracy and consequently serve as its defenders in other educational frameworks. The Adam Institute’s activities are rooted in a unique, world-renowned method is called “Betzavta – Adam Institute’s group facilitation method”. The Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace was established in 1987 in memory of Emil Grunzweig, a researcher and educator from Jerusalem, who was killed in a demonstration in Jerusalem on February 10, 1983, while demonstrating against the Lebanon War.

The Adam Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental organization registered under Israeli law (No.580115441). It is recognized as a public institute for donations (under Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance) and every donation is tax deductible.

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